What Happens With Your Donation?
The Creation of braille is a time-intensive process and requires substantial knowledge, skill, and specialized equipment. Frequently, organizations do not consider including braille and other forms of accessible content when they are developing their documents, websites, and other media. The result is that braille and accessible media are an afterthought that goes above and beyond the planned budget. Because of this, the cost of producing braille is often a surprise and frequently, organizations decide to forego it, even though accessible media would be beneficial to their customers, patrons, and themselves!
As a non-profit corporation, Handid is not in business to make money. As a priority, donations go directly to reduce or remove costs to our customers, so they more readily partner with Handid to ensure that braille and accessible media are available. Secondarily, donations are used to purchase and maintain equipment and software licenses so we are always well equipped to produce braille and accessible media quickly.
Click Here to use PayPal, or a Debit or Credit Card to donate tax deductible funds to Handid!
If you would rather donate with a check, send an E-mail to info@handid.org asking for our postal address.
All donations will receive a "tax letter" detailing your donation. That letter can be used on USA income taxes to reduce your tax burden.